Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Develop and Emotional Intelligence Challenges

Question: Discuss about the Develop and Emotional Intelligence Challenges. Answer: Introduction The business owners encounter the potential challenges of keeping the employees engaged and motivated within the organization. This particular discourse will discuss the process of performance improvement of Pat with the help of emotional intelligence. The particular individual plays the role the new General Operations Manager of Australian Hardware in the Wollongong, NSW. This individual has found a serious performance issue with Pat, who can be considered as a star employee of the sales team of the mentioned organization. This selected individual will ask Pat for describing self-performance, personal situation and any critical obstacles to performance, job satisfaction and feelings. GROW model will be used in this study as an essential tool for enhancing the performance, empathy and listening skill of Pat. According to Caruso and Salovey (2004), emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in order to ensure excellent communication and to avoid serious conflicts that may influence t he entire business operations of the company. Building Pats Awareness of emotional intelligence weaknesses and strengths Cherniss and Goleman (2001) have mentioned that emotional intelligence provides an adequate ability to understand, recognize and manage own emotions and emotions of other employees of the organization. Although Pat consistently achieves the established sales targets with perfect customer service ratings, still thus particular individual encounters some problems in the team performances. Even the team members of Pat cannot rely on this individual as this person fails to communicate with the customers in recent days. However, the major strengths of Pat can be considered the capability of leadership and an excellent communication skill while dealing with the team members. Another important strength of Pat involves the ability to understand own and team members emotional state during the performance of allocated tasks to them. This strength helps Pat to relate and manage the team members in order to achieve a great and predetermined success of the organization. Goleman (2000) has depicte d that emotional intelligence of an employee usually consists of self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management. On the other hand, the weaknesses of Pat include the failure to promote a great teamwork within the organization, empathy, and self-awareness. Establishing Pats goals and performance gaps using GROW model As Pat can be concerned as a model employee for the other existing employees of Australian Hardware, therefore all of the mentioned weaknesses of this particular individual can be resolved with a proper implication of the GROW model. Goleman (2001) has referred that the GROW model is considered as a performance consultant and it solely deals with the impish link in between the behavior and the coaching skills of the employees for enhancing the performance. As Pat is committed to the responsibility and is goal-driven, therefore, the GROW model will help this individual to be a potential future leader of the organization. The new General Operations Manager of Australian Hardware has a thorough discussion with Pat regarding the performance shortcomings. Goals: To identify and clarify the type of goal Pat intends to achieve To improve performances for increasing the sales revenue and customer retention To provide an understanding of principal aspirations and aims of the organisation Performance gaps: As opined by Druskat et al., (2013), performance gap of an employee suggests the link in between the required performance from the employees and the actual performance of an employee within an organization. Figure 1: Performance gap (Source: Zeidneret al., 2012) The performance gap of Pat may influence the improvement of customer services and loyalty. The balanced scorecard system of Australian Hardware clearly denotes the performance gaps of Pat. From Pats balanced scorecard, it can be seen that this individual fails to reach to the desired target of the organization. Pat fails to meet the target in every aspects of the organization, such as the financial, customer focus, internal processes and managing employees. The identified performance gap of Pat involves the real gap in between the expectation from the person and the performance of Pat to reach the organizational success and goals. The performance gap of this individual can affect the sales revenue of Australian Hardware as Pat fails to communicate with the clients in proper manner; therefore, it has great impact on the customer retention policies of the concerned company. Only after identifying the personal obstacles, the GROW model will help Pat to achieve the desired goals and impr ove the peer relationships with the cooperation of every team member. Discussion of the reasonable options The new General Operations Manager of Australia Hardware should provide various options to Pat in order to reach the professional, team and personal goals. According to Goleman et al., (2013), GROW model plays an important role in assessing the present situation in order to take effective actions. The particular manager will clarify both the results and effects of the previous activities completed by Pat for getting a comprehensive overview of his level of performance. Pat should understand the internal blocks and obstacles in order to prevent or limit the gradual process of progression. The options include a precise identification of the alternatives and possibilities to complete the allocated tasks. Parmenter (2015) has suggested that various strategies, such as implication of modern technology in performance improvement plan and effective leadership skills are required for further progression of the employees. Pat only fulfills the internal process targets in perfect manner and fa ils to meet the financial, employee retention and customer evaluation. All of the possible options can be suggested to Pat only after a thorough analyzing and assessing the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the individual. The General Operations Manager of the concerned company helps Pat to understand the learning process for achieving the established initial goals. After that, there should be a systematic step for planning the actions and implementing the steps. Establishing Pats willingness to improve performance It requires a firm commitment from Pat in order to improve the performance and to help to build a perfect team environment. Murphy (2014) has mentioned that emotional intelligence provides adequate importance of maintain perfect emotional relationships, to create respects and rusts for aligning the team members. Emotional intelligence will improve the soft skills, such as the active listening skills of Pat. This will also help to maintain a fair relationship both with the senior management and with the team members. Pat reveals his willingness to join the emotional intelligence program for improving performance. As Pat possess a great capability of being a potential future leader, therefore, emotional intelligence will motivate this particular individual to motivate and engage for achieving the predetermined goals. Ryback (2012) has determined that emotional intelligence clearly leads to the personal achievement, professional success and happiness. Even emotional intelligence deepens the empathy of the employees, as it possesses a perfect capacity for sensing the feelings of the other employees. The ability of using the soft skills determines the level of emotional intelligence of Pat. Pat requires a relevant coaching session on emotional intelligence in order to learn the process of improvement of the tasks. The GROW model plays an essential role of coaching planner for Pat. Conclusion The General Operations Manager of Australian Hardware asks relevant questions to help Pat for generating opportunities and options. Those identified options should be achievable for fulfilling the performance gaps and both personal and organizational goals. Emotional intelligence will help Pat to improve performance within a concrete and time-bound measurement. With the proper emotional intelligence, Pat can build effective team collaboration and trusts, which are essential factors for being a potential leader. Therefore, this study truly reflects the importance of emotional intelligence on enhancing the employee performance. Reference Caruso, D. R. Salovey, P., (2004). The emotionally intelligent manager: how to develop and use the four key emotional skills of leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Cherniss, C. Goleman, D. (Eds), (2001). The emotionally intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups and organisations, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Goleman, D., (2000). Working with emotional intelligence, Bantam Books, New York. Goleman, D., (2001). An EI-based theory of performance, in C. Cherniss and D. Goleman (Eds), The emotionally Intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups and organisations, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R., McKee, A. (2013).Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press. Druskat, V. U., Mount, G., Sala, F. (2013).Linking emotional intelligence and performance at work: Current research evidence with individuals and groups. Psychology Press. Zeidner, M., Matthews, G., Roberts, R. D. (2012).What we know about emotional intelligence: How it affects learning, work, relationships, and our mental health. MIT press. Ryback, D. (2012).Putting emotional intelligence to work. Routledge. Murphy, K. R. (2014).A critique of emotional intelligence: what are the problems and how can they be fixed?. Psychology Press. Parmenter, D. (2015).Key performance indicators: developing, implementing, and using winning KPIs. John Wiley Sons.

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