Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay on Twin Peaks A Short Story as a Sales Clerk

â€Å"Oh, great! You’ve got boobs!† She exclaimed, as she stabbed her pointy index finger into my left breast. I did not see that coming and the gesture took me aback. I was not sure whether to feel violated at the hands of the manager of an internationally branded apparel store, or to feel proud at the remark. I paused momentarily to gather myself together before saying anything. â€Å"So, is that a good thing or a bad thing?† I asked, my voice wavering slightly, still being in the recovery process. â€Å"Oh, that’s great, honey,† Sheila, the manager chirped, trying to poke my other breast as well. I did a Matrix to sway away from the incoming projectile! â€Å"You’re gonna be an instant crowd puller!† That did not help my confusion. â€Å"Ummmm, so, this is†¦show more content†¦I faked a cough. â€Å"Can I help you, Ma’am?† No response. It seemed as though her eyes grew wider staring at my breasts. That’s right, woman! Take a good, hard look at my twins! Her hands moved as though they were going to grab them. I stepped back a little. Do you want me to jump up and down a little and shake ‘em in your face? â€Å"Ma’am?† I said again, waving my hands in her line of sight. Nothing budged! She was elderly, difficult to make out her age behind all that heavy makeup. She had jet black hair that fell over her shoulder. She wore an expensive looking long knee length black gown and wore long woolen gloves. But what got me all boiling was the animal skin she had draped over her shoulders. â€Å"So, how many animals had to die for that?† I thought aloud. â€Å"Say what?† the woman replied. â€Å"Oh, nothing,† I replied, smiling. Finally! â€Å"I was just saying ‘hello’!† â€Å"Oh, hello,† she said, trying to put on a smile. Terrible wrinkles formed at the corner of her lips and eyes! She smiled as though her skin was getting stretched to the hilt. It was hideous and I cringed. â€Å"I’m Katherine!† â€Å"Hello, Katherine,† I said, not bothering to hide my anger at her brazen display of animal cruelty. â€Å"How can I help you?† â€Å"Well, I’m looking for a bra. Not too fancy, yet beautiful,† she said. â€Å"Well, Katherine, why don’t you follow me and take a look around.† Katherine smiled and followed my lead. I took her to a little expensive corner of the lingerieShow MoreRelatedAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words   |  549 Pagesthose benefits to the associated costs, this is often easier said than done. Usually, it is difficult to measure precisely the benefits of new uses of IT. Nevertheless, companies should gather as much data as possible about changes in market share, sales trends, cost reductions, and other results that can plausibly be associated with an IT initiative and that were predicted in the planning process. 1.7 Apply the value chain concept to SS. 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